Play Golf and Benefit Us Too!
Come be a part of a day of golf — and help to raise funds for Shepherd’s Staff at the same time! The Shepherd’s Staff Golf Tournament Fundraiser combines a hobby you love with support for a ministry you believe in. This is a great way for fathers and sons to spend time together while doing good for someone else.
This year we are offering two opportunities for you to help the ministry of Shepherd’s Staff. The first tournament will be held at the Arrowhead Meadows golf course in Curtis, Nebraska on Saturday, July 21. The second tournament will be held in Oakley, Kansas later in the summer.
The cost for each tournament is $160 per two-person team. All proceeds from the Golf Tournament Fundraiser go towards maintaining and improving our facilities and programming.
Golfers should register in teams of two. If any golfer is unable to form a team, we will match them up with another partial team.
Team registration fees can be split between team members, provided by a supporting business, or raised by pledges from friends, family and co-workers. Just print off our informational letter and registration form. Complete and mail or fax your completed registration form to our office. We look forward to seeing you there!